Car and Driver's Redesign
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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Good news in the December issue of Car and Driver. Editor Eddie Alterman lets us know that come January, there'll be a new look...a redesign of the once (and hopefully future) king of the car mags.
Alterman discusses the disastrous last redesign three years ago, which he rightly describes as making C/D look "like a comic book".
And it was worse inside, with a jumble of fonts and a graphic look that was universally hated by readers, who were told "we ain't going back."...which Alterman describes as a public relations move roughly as successful as the docking of the Hindenburg.
To his credit, each issue of C/D since Alterman's arrival has been cleaner-looking than the last. Here's what he inherited early this year:

And here's September's cover:

The January 2010 redesign is expected to draw heavily on the sense of style from C/D's glory days. We can't wait.
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